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Norsk Tipping Grasrotandelen Ski Ishockey Elite 825244352

30. January 2024
Styret i Ski Ishockey Elite innkaller til årsmøte 2023

Årsmøtet avholdes i Ski Ishall onsdag 20. mars klokka 18:00. Saker som ønskes behandlet på årsmøtet, må sendes til styret senest 2 uker før årsmøtet, dvs. senest onsdag 5.mars 2024. Sendes på e-post til: styreleder For å ha stemmerett må man ha vært medlem av Ski Ishockey Elite i minst én måned, ha fylt…

18. November 2023
Pictures from game 18.11.23 vs Gruner

Bilder fra dagens kamp. Gutta går på en liten smell i dag 1-8 mot topplaget Gruner.

2. November 2023
Pictures from Ski Elite vs. Furuset 01.11.23

Despite the result of a loss Ski Elite 3 vs. Furuset 4 this was a great game that saw quick transitions and a Ski team that worked end to end through 3 periods.

22. October 2023
Pictures from Ski Vs. Narvik 22.10.23

Today’s pictures from a 5 – 2 loss to Narvik. Despite a promising start…

22. October 2023
Pictures from Ski Vs. Narvik 21.10.23

Today the boys played one of their best games of the season but 3rd period mistakes cost them in the end….

8. October 2023
Pics from game 6 Ski Elite vs. Bergen

Despite a good start to the game Ski Elite took a loss to Bergen for the second day in a row. The final score Bergen 6 Ski Elite 3.

27. August 2020
Interview with nr. 23 Fredrik Pedersen
Today we had a chat with Fredrik "Edda" Pedersen to get his feelings for the upcoming season and how his 8 years playing for Ski have gone.
22. August 2020
Interview with Jorgen Moflag

Today we had a chat with Jorgen Moflag to get his feelings for the upcoming season and how he sees the teams progress at the start of the season.

15. August 2020
Ringlund Hansen Interview

Interview with our captain Andreas Ringlund Hansen on the upcoming season…..

1.Gjøvik Hockey0000000
2.Grüner Hockey0000000
3.Hasle-Løren Elite0000000
5.Manglerud Star0000000
6.Nideros Hockey0000000
8.Ski Elite0000000
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18. November 2023
Pictures from game 18.11.23 vs Gruner

Bilder fra dagens kamp. Gutta går på en liten smell i dag 1-8 mot topplaget Gruner.

2. November 2023
Pictures from Ski Elite vs. Furuset 01.11.23

Despite the result of a loss Ski Elite 3 vs. Furuset 4 this was a great game that saw quick transitions and a Ski team that worked end to end through 3 periods.

22. October 2023
Pictures from Ski Vs. Narvik 22.10.23

Today’s pictures from a 5 – 2 loss to Narvik. Despite a promising start…

22. October 2023
Pictures from Ski Vs. Narvik 21.10.23

Today the boys played one of their best games of the season but 3rd period mistakes cost them in the end….

8. October 2023
Pics from game 6 Ski Elite vs. Bergen

Despite a good start to the game Ski Elite took a loss to Bergen for the second day in a row. The final score Bergen 6 Ski Elite 3.

7. October 2023
Pictures from game 5 Ski Elite vs. Bergen

Despite a strong start Ski Elite was unable to pull off the win losing today to Bergen 5 – 1. Next game is Sunday 08.10.23 at 14:00 in Ski ishall.